Sunday, November 29, 2009

5 way to increase your blog traffic

Traffic, traffic, traffic! We all want more traffic but sometimes it can be hard to sift through all the things you can do and figure out the best way to increase your traffic. For starters, here are five proven things you can do that will increase your traffic.

1. Hit the GYM

A great source of traffic is search engines, so why not leverage them to their fullest before worrying about anything else. Getting your website placed high within search results is determined by three main things: code, links, and content. Because you are a blogger, content isn’t the biggest problem however the other two might be. By following these simple steps, you can increase your rankings and increase your search traffic.
2. Don’t be shy

There is always something hot in the blogosphere, just keep an eye out for what’s hot and make sure to join in on the conversation. This can boost traffic and links almost immediately. Sites like Techmeme feed off of what’s hot in the blogosphere and are a great place to put on your watchlist for the latest hot topics. One great example of this is the 5 rules of social media optimization. This article was taken by a handful of other bloggers and ended up becoming the 16 rules of social media optimization. This did not only create tons of links for the original article, but it also created tons of links for all the other bloggers who added to it.
3. Create some buzz

Social media sites like Digg, and Netscape are all great sources of traffic. If you can get on the homepage of any of these sites you will get thousands of visitors within minutes and potentially thousands of new regular readers. These sites are mainly driven by votes so make sure your readers can vote for you by placing social bookmark buttons within your posts in order to have the best chance of success. Keep in mind that you’ll need to write content that is actually appealing enough to be voted to the top, not just anything will be successful here. We’ve seen a lot of how-to guides, resources, and lists become popular quickly so these might not be bad categories to play around with first. Just try to add value with your content and you’ll have the best chance.
4.Don’t be a link Nazi!

By linking to others within your blog posts and showing some link love, other people will likely link back to you. The more generous you are the more generous others will be to you. When linking out give it some time and don’t expect the majority of the sites to link back to you. And most importantly make sure to only link out when it will benefit your readers. Sooner or later this tactic will increase the number of sites linking to you which can ultimately help drive traffic.
5. Be a drama queen

By being constructively and tastefully confrontational you can get tons of traffic. Even if you don’t have a popular blog, calling out certain companies or individuals who are tracking their buzz will certainly get you a little traffic boost.

Most of these items almost deserve a post on their own to explain why they work and what they are really doing however sometimes it helps to keep things simple. The overarching theme here is really about being as proactive as possible and putting some work into getting out there more. If you put more energy behind getting your voice out there, your traffic will respond.

Connect your blog with Adsense

step 1
If you already have an account with Adsense only needs to generate code for what type of banner, you want to put on the blog. Copy the code, connect to your Blogger account, and follow the steps: "Layout -> Page Elements --> Add a gadget" and click on HTML / Java Script. Let paste the code and save the item. Move the item where you Drag and Drop method, click on 'Save' and then you can see what it looks like the blog.

Step 2
If you have a Google AdSense account to go to Blogger, you click the tab 'Appearance' then 'Page Elements -> Add a Gadget "and select the' Adsense '. Here you will be prompted to enter your email which usually connect to your AdSense account and the last 5 digits of your phone number (no that you wrote in your AdSense account). After logging in you can create the type of ad you want. Click on 'Save', move the object where you again 'Save' and then you can see the blog.

Step 3
If you have an AdSense account, you connect to Blogger, follow the steps "Layout -> Page Elements -> Add a gadget" and click on 'Adsense'. How do you have an Adsense account click Create account and you will be presented in a registration form. Enter your account and follow the clues to complete. Then you will be brought back to setup ads. Choose the type of ad you want, save the item, move it where you want and save. View blog.
And now begin to make money .Do not forget to subscribe to the Feed blog

How to make a blog

Blogging Quick Tip #1 1
How To Create A Blog Using
Web Logs, or Blogs, are a popular way to share ideas and stay in touch with people over the
internet. They are similar in style to keeping a journal and it is easy for anyone to create and
maintain one. There are many websites that can help people to create Blogs. This Quick Tip will
instruct you on creating a Blog using, one of the more popular Blogging sites.
Creating A Blog
1. Open your Browser (e.g. Internet Explorer)
2. Type in the following URL in the Address box: A new page appears
bringing you to the Blogger homepage.
3. Once there follow the three steps to creating a Blog:
• Create an account for yourself
• Give your Blog a name
• Choose a template to determine how your Blog looks
Creating An Account
You will first need to create an account on in order to be able to create your
Blog. This will require setting an account username and password.
4. In the Blogger homepage, click CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW.
Blogging Quick Tip #1 2
5. In the Create a Google Account page, enter your Email address in the Email Address
6. Re-enter your Email address in the Retype email address textbox.
7. Enter a password in the Enter a password textbox.
• HINT- Try using your Blackboard password.
8. Re-enter your password in the Retype password textbox.
9. Enter a display name in the Display name textbox. This is the name that will appear on your
posts and comments.
10. In the Word Verification textbox, enter the letters you see above.
11. Check the I ACCEPT THE TERMS OF SERVICE checkbox.
12. To see the Terms of Service follow this link:
13. Click CONTINUE on the bottom right of the page.
Enter your Email address
Check the TERMS OF SERVICE checkbox
Enter the word verification
Enter a password
Enter a display name
Re-enter your password
Re-enter your Email address
Blogging Quick Tip #1 3
Naming Your Blog
Now you must give your Blog a name. This is the title that will be displayed at the top of your Blog
for everyone to see, so make sure you give the name some thought before picking one.
1. On the Name your Blog page, enter the Blog name in the Blog title textbox.
2. Enter the Blog address in the Blog Address textbox.
HINT- Try using your email address.
3. Click CHECK AVAILABILITY to make sure the name you want is not already taken.
4. Click CONTINUE.
For future reference, record the following:
1. Blog title ________________________________
2. Blog address (URL)
Enter the blog address (URL)
Enter the Blog title
Blogging Quick Tip #1 4
Choosing A Template
Now it’s time to choose a template. This is the visual style of your Blog and there are a number of
options available to you. After you’ve chosen a template it’s time to make your first post. You may
want to make it an introductory one, as this is a brand new Blog.
1. On the Choose a template page, pick the design you like best by clicking on it.
2. Click PREVIEW TEMPLATE to get a better idea of what a design looks like.
􀂃 Don’t worry, you can change the design later if you so choose.
3. After selecting a template, click CONTINUE.
Select the desired template
Blogging Quick Tip #1 5
Creating Your First Post
1. Enter a title for your post in the Title textbox.
2. Enter the body of your post in the white textbox provided.
3. Enter all relevant labels for your post in the Labels for this post textbox.
• These labels are used as keywords for searches. Filling in labels will increase the amount
of people who will find your post when performing a search.
14. Click SAVE NOW if you would like to save your work without publishing it to your Blog.
• This function will allow you to save your work and then return to it later, while keeping the
unfinished product from being displayed.
15. Click PUBLISH POST to publish the post to your Blog on the internet.
16. Click VIEW BLOG when you’re done to see what it looks like.
17. Return to your Blog by going to and logging in using the email address and
password you entered to create your blog.
18. To share your Blog with others, send them the URL that you entered as your “Blog address.”
Enter the labels for this post
Enter the body of your post
Enter a title for you post

Friday, November 20, 2009

Introduction of Money making in Adsense

Adsense is a wonderful opportunity for you to generate additional income for your website or blog. Google Adsense is a great and easy way to make money from your site. Adsense will allow any person with a informative website or blog to earn money, simply by placing a little code on their site pages. Google Adsense is one of the easiest way to allow webmasters to make extra money from content websites. You just need to add some simple javascript codes on the web pages, and then when visitors click the ads, you make money. No need to sell and think yourself, Google does all thinking for you. You have to complete an application with Google Adsense. To joining adsense program click Adsense. When you join the Adsense program, you get access to Adsense for content, which places ads on your content pages. Any one has clicked adsense ad from your site then you will get some money to your adsense account. You will get money from Google by cheque when your account reaches $100. Google Adsense is not a get rich quick program. But there are documented cases of bloggers earning as much as $5,000 a month and more. Definitely, there are thousands of dollars worth of reasons to make money from Google Adsense.

Google Adsense Tips To Increse Your Earnings
1-When you're building a new site don't put adsense on it until it's finished.
2-Strictly follow the rules mentioned in Adsense policies. You will always earn more revenue from Adsense by playing it clean.
3-Never modify the Google Adsense HTML code.
4-By far the most important factor is how much traffic you can drive to your pages. After all, you only make money when visitors click (or in some cases view) the ads shown on your pages. If no one's visiting your site, you won't make any money. If you want to make more money with AdSense, you need more traffic.